Acceptance of documents for the competition of research works of students is open
Satbayev University, as the basic university on carrying out of annual Republican competition of research works of students on technical sciences in higher educational institutions of RK, informs about the beginning of acceptance of competitive materials for the ІІ stage on specialties:
- Geology and exploration of mineral deposits;
- Enrichment of minerals;
- Mining;
- Automation and management.
To the competition announced according to the letter No. 16-5/217 from 25.01.2020 year of the Department of Higher and postgraduate education of MES RK, works executed in accordance with the requirements given in the Recommendations for organizing and conducting the annual contest of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are accepted.
To participate in the second stage, please provide the best student works on paper (marked "for the Republican competition of NIRS") at the following address: Satpayev str. 22, Almaty, 050013, Kaznitu named after K. I. Satpayev.
Acceptance of documents for the second stage will last until March 20, 2020.