28 april 2020 4812

Address from the Administration of Satbayev University on the upcoming session

Address from the Administration of Satbayev University on the upcoming session

Dear students!

The regular 86th spring semester in the history of University is over! From a historical point of view, this term has become extraordinary. It will certainly go down in the history of our Polytech; when under the threat of a global virus pandemic, we had to work remotely for half a semester.

We know that many of you have overcome great difficulties, either in self-isolation or in a quarantined dormitory uploading or downloading files for hours, sometimes overcoming kilometers from your native village until the point of mobile telephony! However, a common desire to gain knowledge acquiring the skills and competencies necessary to become a real professional united you!

For its part, University faculty has done and is doing everything possible so that these hundreds and thousands of kilometers separating us are not felt, and that you receive materials, tasks, answers to all your questions on time, promptly and without delay. Most of the teaching staff for the first time, like you, had to master the methodology and specifics of distance work. We were overcoming together hard quarantine routine in order to get stronger from this confrontation with the virus.

The final step remained to complete the spring semester - we must successfully conduct an examination session. Moreover, certainly, each of you will worthily pass the session with the marks for each discipline that you deserve due to your labor. During these one and a half months University has put the safety of students and teachers as a top priority. Our University was the first among the country’s 126 higher educational institutions to suspend business trips and student exchange programs already in February, and in early March imposed quarantine in all its buildings. The security priority has remained the most significant thing for us for the session duration as well.

University offers the students a choice of TWO options for passing the exam: distance exam from May 25 to June 12 and classroom examination in the period from August 3 to 21. In case of unforeseen circumstances in August in the form of another coronavirus outbreak and infection risk, or the occurrence of any social difficulties, we will organize exams of “August” session also in a remote format. In addition, the student is given the right of choice to take some disciplines of the spring semester remotely from 25.05. to 12.06.2020, and some disciplines in the classroom in August from 03.08 to 21.08. 2020.

The registraion of students for the distance exam will be open this week. If you decide to take this or that discipline remotely, you will need to contact your teacher for clarification on the organization and conduct of the exam.

During the August session, for students’ convenience, in addition to Polytech classrooms, there will be open classrooms in many regional centers. You will determine the place for passing the exam on your own, when registration for the classroom exam opens after the end of the distance session on June 12, 2020. Thus, Satpayev University is offering you, dear student, to independently make a choice both the form of passing the exam in a particular discipline and the time of passing the exam, that is, you determine where and when you will take the exam in one or another discipline.

Based on the emergency and circumstances, not all students had the opportunity to attend classes online. We made a decision in this case as well: each student, who scored a threshold of 25 points out of 60 maximum possible for two attestations, has an admission to the final exam.

Those students who were not able to score the required 25 points out of 60 possible in this difficult semester are given the opportunity to withdraw from the discipline with "W" grade and take the discipline again in the next semester according to the application submitted this week.

Finally, we leave open the possibility for those students who, by the end of the semester, have already scored 60 points necessary for a positive assessment, not to pass the exam at all! In this case, for such students this semester, for failure to appear on one of the two exam options, the exam sheet will not have F (Fail) score, but a 0 (zero) mark. Thus, in total, you can save points scored on the assessments without receiving additional points for the exam. However, your final grade will be correspondingly lower by exactly the number of points you did not get on the exam!

In this critical period, we are all making our choice, University has softened a number of requirements but has not discredited the very meaning of studying at a higher educational institution. Now, the choice is yours, dear students!

Biz Birgemiz!

Satbayev University Administration

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