18 july 2017 10547

After 45 years: the traditional meeting of KazPTI graduates of 1972 was held

Traditional meeting of KazPTI graduates of 1972

In the middle of July, 45 passed years after graduation, the graduates of the Civil Engineering Faculty of 1972 came to Almaty from all corners of Kazakhstan to recall their student years and exchange news.

This unique course meets within the walls of its Alma mater every 5 years to celebrate another anniversary of their graduation, visit the KazNRTU museum, shake hands, exchange souvenirs, congratulate each other with their birthdays and have fun together.

The Rector councilor of KazNRTU Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Professor J.M. Adilov and director of the Institute of Architecture and Construction, honorary architect of the RK, professor B.U. Kuspangaliev was attended the meeting.

Zheksenbek Makeevich, who is also a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering and Construction, and Bolat Uraikhanovich shared with the gathered successes of the university and especially the Institute of Architecture and Construction, which was the engineering and construction faculty in 1972.

"Now our university is experiencing a second birth, - said Professor Adilov. - Nevertheless, the university continues traditions, including the tradition of graduates meetings. Its 45 years passed since we had graduated from the institute and parted, but we often met, and everyone could go and tell everyone about how Politech lived, and what interesting things was happening here.”

The idea to organize a board of trustees, which would help the Institute of Architecture and Construction in new endeavors and contemporary projects was born at the meeting.The meeting ended with the distribution of commemorative coins and books about Ilyas Esenberlin, one of whose daughters was became a student of the Faculty of Engineering and Construction.

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