14 april 2021 2977

An conference “Architectural education in the XXI century: global trends and regional features” was held at the Satbayev University

An conference “Architectural education in the XXI century: global trends and regional features” was held at the Satbayev University

On April 12, 2021, the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev (Satbayev University), within the framework of the IV International Innovation Forum-Festival dedicated to the 60th anniversary of architectural education in Kazakhstan, organized and held an International scientific and practical online conference “Architectural education in the XXI century: global trends and regional features”. The event was held with the support of the Bassenov Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Kazakhstan Academic Center of the International Academy of Architecture (MAAM) represented by Bolat Kuspangaliyev.

The conference brought together representatives of architectural schools from different countries on a virtual platform to discuss current problems and prospects for the development of professional architectural education. Speakers and participants shared their experience in developing new training trajectories taking into account the latest challenges of the modern architectural and construction industry.

They shared their vision at the plenary session the president of the Yakov Chernikhov International Foundation – academician MAAM Andrey Chernikhov (Russia), the adviser of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN) Besolov Vladimir (Russia), the professor of the Moscow Architectural Institute NIITIAG Kiyanenko Konstantin (Russia), the professors of the Research University "Moscow State University of Civil Engineering" Anisimov Yuri and Lyudmila (Russia), the professor of the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanova (KGUSTA) Imankulov Jumamedel (Kyrgyzstan), Professor of the Tajik Technical University named after Academician M. S. Osimi Mukimov Rustam (Tajikistan), Director of "Sergio Ferrandi Bureau" (BERGAMO) Sergio Ferrandi (Italy), Professor of Satbayev University Abilov Alexey (Kazakhstan), Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the IOC Kazgas Glaudinova Mehribanu (Kazakhstan), leading researcher of the Research Institute "Almatygenplan" Ibragimova Kuralai (Kazakhstan), Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Almaty region Darkenbayev Tanirbergen (Kazakhstan) and others.

The conference program included a Plenary session, the work of the section “Professional Education in Construction Engineering” and a Round table to discuss and adopt a Declaration on current approaches to architectural Education in the XXI century.

The Declaration, in particular, states that the forum members noted the fruitful exchange of ideas, methods and practical results of the activities of specialists from different countries involved in the training of architects, urban planners, designers. On updating and improving architectural education, the participants adopted a number of recommendations related to the process of globalization of all spheres of society's life, with the simultaneous desire of countries to search for national identity in culture in general and in architecture in particular. The question was raised about the status of a young specialist and the conditions for his adaptation in the professional environment. Special attention was paid to the development of digital technologies in the training and practical activities of architects.

The Declaration adopted at the end of the conference will be sent to the relevant ministries and organizations responsible for higher professional education of the countries represented at the forum.

В Satbayev University прошла «Архитектурное образование в XXI веке: глобальные тенденции и региональные особенности»

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