16 september 2022 3512

An exhibition, dedicated to “Dos-Mukassan”, was opened in Almaty

An exhibition, dedicated to “Dos-Mukassan”, was opened in Almaty

Almaty Museum has opened "Almaty Tuni" exhibition devoted to City Day and 55th anniversary of "Dos-Mukassan" vocal and instrumental ensemble. Murat Kussainov, artistic director and ensemble founder, RK Honored Art Worker, attended the opening ceremony.

The exhibition presents more than 200 exhibits: stage costumes, musical instruments, posters, photographs, souvenirs, as well as exhibits from the group’s personal archives.

The exhibition is timed to a landmark event in Kazakh art. On August 1, 1967, the first concert of "Dos-Mukassan" band from students of Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in Almaty took place in Bayanaul village, Pavlodar region. The concert was attended by engineering students — Dossym Suleyev, Murat Kussainov, Hamit Sanbayev, Alexander Litvinov.

The band, opened owing to Polytech graduates (now Satbayev University), immediately won the hearts of fans and became the "Kazakh Beatles". Thanks to “Dos-Mukassan” band, folk songs acquired a new color. Years later, the ensemble became the winner of various prizes and All-Union competitions, and its members became famous scientists, honored musicians, successful leaders.

The exhibition was opened with the support of Almaty Akimat.

An exhibition, dedicated to “Dos-Mukassan”, was opened in Almaty

An exhibition, dedicated to “Dos-Mukassan”, was opened in Almaty

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