4 march 2020 5060

Askar Syzdykov was appointed as the Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific and Educational Activities

Askar Syzdykov was appointed as the Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific and Educational Activities

Syzdykov Askar Khamzayevich, Director of Geology, oil and mining institute at Satbayev University, was appointed as an acting Vice-rector for scientific and educational activities.

Askar Syzdykov is a graduate of KazPTI named after V. I. Lenin, by "Technology and exploration technology of mineral deposits" specialty.  His qualification is a mining engineer.

From 1993 to 2017, Askar Syzdykov was involved in various domestic and foreign production and management companies in the geological and oil and gas industry of the republic. He held various executive and managerial positions in the system of   KazMunayGas national company. Since January 2018, he has been working at Satbayev University.

Askar Syzdykov holds the candidate of technical sciences degree and PhD. He is a professor of "Oil engineering" department. He is the author of more than 50 published scientific works and inventions, including author certificates of the USSR and patents of the USA, Canada, Sweden, Japan and Germany.

He was awarded  with "Honorable explorer of subsoil resources of RK",  "Excellent Explorer of mineral resources of Kazakhstan", "Honored Worker of Oil and Gas Industry of Kazakhstan" ,  jubilee medals "70 years-anniversary of pipeline transport of Kazakhstan", "120 years-anniversary of oil in Kazakhstan", and diplomas of Honor of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan , Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan and SWF "Samruk-Kazyna."

The main directions of Askar Syzdykov's work are defined as interaction with industrial enterprises of the republic related to commercialization issues of Research and development results, as well as supervision of postgraduate education programs and programs with remote technologies utilization.

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