30 january 2023 2962

British education in Kazakhstan: Satbayev University develops cooperation with the best universities in the UK

British education in Kazakhstan: Satbayev University develops cooperation with the best universities in the UK

One of them is the University of Sheffield, an elite university, one of the top-10 British universities. Satbayev University has been working with the University of Sheffield since the end of last year as part of the grant from the British Council under the Going Global Partnerships INTERLINKS programme.

The University of Sheffield is one of the leading universities in the world, and one of the leaders in the field of technical education. The university is part of the Russell Group, the elite group consisting of 24 prestigious universities in the UK, the British equivalent of the American Ivy League. The University of Sheffield is in the top-100 of the world ranking (95th place in the QS ranking). This is an advanced research university, 5 of its former graduates and employees are Nobel Prize laureates.

Within the framework of the project, representatives of Satbayev University study the work of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield, discuss potential ways of cooperation in the field of science and education, and also work out ways to modernize the «Mechanical Engineering» program according to the British model.

At the end of January, representatives of Satbayev University visited the University of Sheffield and met with Professor of Applied Mechanics Atul Bhaskar, a researcher with extensive experience, who previously worked at another prestigious university in the UK — the University of Southampton. 

Together with Professor Bhaskar, Polytech employees visited scientific and educational laboratories, discussed joint work on scientific projects and the training of undergraduates and doctoral students. Both sides are planning to organize guest lecture of Professor A. Bhaskar at Satbayev University. 

Сәтбаев Университеті Ұлыбританияның University of Sheffield жетекші университетімен бірлесе жұмыс жүргізуде

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