8 october 2018 3180

Clarivate Analytics Company awards Satbayev University for scientific achievements

Clarivate Analytics Company awards Satbayev University for scientific achievements

On September 10, 2018, Web of Science awarded Satbayev University with the Independent award “Leader of Science” in the nomination “Leader in the number of scientific publications in the Web of Science Core among the technical universities of Kazakhstan in the past five years”. The awards were given at L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

Every year Clarivate Analytics presents the Scientific Award and Leader of Science awards to the universities, research institutes, scientific journals and scientists who contribute to development of higher education. This award is known as one of the most prestigious among global and regional academic communities, and the number of its winners never exceeds 500 people worldwide per year.

This year, 10 Kazakh researchers and 8 organizations were named among the leaders of publication activities and citation index in the Web of Science Core Collection database that collects scientific works in all spheres. This year, authors from Kazakhstan published 41 articles with high quotation index, 7 articles more than the year before. The growing number of publications and the increased importance of scientific research in Kazakhstan is a result of research breakthroughs of our country, as noted by Web of Science Core Collection.

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