7 december 2021 4792

Competition for vacant positions of teaching staff and deputy directors announced

Competition for vacant positions of teaching staff and deputy directors announced

NJSC "Kazakh National Research Technical University after K. I. Satbayev" (hereinafter KazNRTU) announces a competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff, namely deputy directors of institutes, heads of departments, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, senior lecturers, lecturers, tutors, assistants.

The deadline for accepting documents is December 20, 2021 (the date and place of the competition will be announced later).

Candidates submit the following documents to participate in the competition:

  1. Application form (generated automatically when filling out the form);
  2. Information about the applicant for the position, including contact details (generated automatically when filling out the form);
  3. Copies of diplomas of higher, postgraduate education, academic / or academic degree, academic title and originals of these documents for verification;
  4. Copies of certificates of retraining and advanced training (if available) and originals for verification;
  5. Copies of documents confirming the applicants' work experience and originals for verification;
  6. A list of completed scientific projects, scientific papers and patents (inventions) certificates for intellectual property for the last 3 years, certified at the place of work.
  7. Documents confirming the necessary professional education, certified in accordance with the established procedure (notarized or at the place of previous work).

Applicants can also submit other documents relating to their education, work experience, professional level and reputation (letters of recommendation, specifications, copies of the certificate of language training, other documents confirming the professional level of the participant, his outstanding achievements in the professional field, etc.).

Read the detailed contest terms, and participate
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