13 december 2019 8823

Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Rector of  Satbayev University Iskander BeysembetovDear colleagues, partners and compatriots!

Please accept my congratulations on the national holiday, Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

This holiday is rightfully considered a symbol of  the freedom and power of our state, a symbol of the achievements and well-being of each member of our society.

The development of human potential is the main value of Independence, on which the development and competitiveness of our country depends.  Satbayev University has traditionally been a leader in the field of education and the flagship of the new technologies implementation, educating scientists, engineers and managers for all sectors of the economy.

Twenty-eight  years ago, our people, under the leadership of the First President, the Leader of the Nation, Nursultan Nazarbayev, took a decisive step towards building a strong, independent state in which fruitful work would be a reliable guarantee of a happy future!

May this Independence Day of Kazakhstan become for you a happy day in a series of happy days and the first step to the success of our university in 2020! I wish you stability, prosperity, good health, good luck, prosperity and successful activity!

Yours faithfully,
Rector of  Satbayev University
Iskander Beysembetov

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