18 june 2018 10889

Control Officer of Rector was awarded with a commemorative medal

Control Officer of Rector was awarded with a commemorative medal

June 14, 2018 the command of the military unit 73652 awarded the medal "100 years of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and Navy" to the Control Officer of Rector B.Kh. Mukhtybaev.

The commemorative medal "100 years of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and Navy" was established in 2017 and is awarded to officers of the Soviet and Russian Army for their active participation and great personal contribution to the military-patriotic education of young people. The citation of the award was timed to the Defender's Day and was a tribute to the army, which was the predecessor of the army of independent Kazakhstan.

Shortly before presenting the medal, Berik Mukhtybayev took part in the solemn ceremony of taking the military oath by students of the Institute of Military Affairs at Satbayev University and congratulated the young men who are just entering the path of serving to their Motherland.

Berik Mukhtybaev:

“I told the students that the oath is given once in a lifetime. They owe allegiance to one state, one Motherland, and for each of them this day should remain one of the most important. The sense of duty, which is enshrined in the oath, must be very deep inside each of them, so that they know to what they serve and what they protect.

A fostering a sense of duty and patriotism in cadets of the Institute of Military Affairs is a very important task for us. In the future, in the framework of the program “Ruhani Zhangiru”, we will increase the requirements for educating young people in the spirit of patriotism. Cadets who have undergone military training have the best grades and the highest demands on themselves and others; they are fully aware of their role and the need to use the knowledge gained at the University for the benefit of the state.

The Institute of Military Affairs has provided very great assistance to the University in this matter. With the arrival of a new leader at the Institute, a revision of the order of training and disciplines, the flow of applications to the military department has increased. Therefore, in the future we will consider the issue of increasing the number of places in the Institute of Military Affairs in coordination with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Полковнику Б.Х. Мухтыбаеву была вручена медаль «100 лет Рабоче-Крестьянской Красной Армии и Флоту». Полковнику Б.Х. Мухтыбаеву была вручена медаль «100 лет Рабоче-Крестьянской Красной Армии и Флоту».

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