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27 february 2020 3481

Creative victory of Satbayev University’s lecturer

Creative victory of Satbayev University’s lecturer

Three "Silver diplomas" and a special prize of the international jury "a Trip to the nurseries of Warsaw and a tour of gardens and parks" were awarded to Veronika Mussabayeva, landscape architect of TERRA  and a lecturer of the Satbayev University  Department of Architecture of the T.Bassenov Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

The victory was won by Veronika Mussabayeva's works in the categories: implemented and unrealized (project) Public spaces for Almaty at the First competitive exhibition "AOK'LD-2020" landscape design Award" for the best projects and objects performed in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan over the past 5 years – in total, 3 diplomas were received: two silver and one bronze.

The award is given to landscape designers, design institutes, architectural and design bureaus, author teams and authors, development companies, construction companies and city administration bodies in 18 categories. In each of the categories, including subsections, diplomas of three degrees were awarded: "Gold", "Silver", "Bronze" and the audience award in any category based on the results of voting by the Conference visitors.

The main goals and objectives of the Award are to improve the quality of landscape design in Kazakhstan, stimulate creative processes in creating new projects and objects of modern landscape architecture and design, and increase the prestige of the landscape designer profession in society.

The works of the creative competition were evaluated by an international jury. Projects were evaluated on such criteria as compliance with the object context of the projected section, planning decision, the image of the garden: the depth of the topic, modernity, relevance, novelty and originality of ideas and presentations, usability, security and sustainability: the relevance of landings, estimated care, a combination of plants, according to the environmental conditions, the quality of work.

The contest was held within the framework of the VI Annual Conference of the Association of Landscapers of Kazakhstan, where Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Italy, Israel and France were represented.

Staff of the Satbayev University T.Bassenov Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering are happy to congratulate their colleague and be proud that such projects adequately represent the Kazakh professional architectural school at international exhibitions!

Тэги: Awards
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