13 december 2021 3823

December is the road to independence

On 26.11.2021, the Department of «Social Disciplines» of the University held an online round table on the topic: «The December 1986 uprising and the idea of liberation». The round table was attended by teachers of the Department of «Social Disciplines» and first-year students of our university.

Honored guests of the round table, Head of the Center for Humanitarian Research «Рухани жаңғыру» of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abzhanov Khankeldy Makhmutovich spoke on the topic «Желтоқсан – тәуелсіздік қарлығашы», Chief Researcher of the Institute of Literature and Art named after M.Auezov, Doctor of Philology, a participant in the December uprising Orda Gulzhakhan Zhumaberdykyzy «Желтоқсан Тәуелсіздік бастауы», emphasizing the historical role of the December uprising and its importance in fostering the patriotic spirit of youth, and also noted the not yet disclosed moments of the December uprising. Senior lecturer of the Department of «Social Disciplines» of the University, participant of the December uprising Kalmurzaev Ermukhan Serikbayevich told about the difficulties he faced during the December uprising, and also elaborated on the fact that the December uprising was the beginning of our independence.

At the round table of students of the 1st Year of the Institute of «Аutomation and information technologies» Sydykanova Zhanargul presented interesting reports on the topic «Желтоқсаншы қазақтың батыр қыздары» and Zhusupakhmetov Kozhakeldy on the topic «Халық қаһарманы – Қайрат Рысқұлбеков», familiarized our students with new knowledge.

Summing up the results of the round table dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the December uprising, the moderator, Professor Dosaly Issakhanovich summed up the round table with the words of the Head of State K.Tokayeva «Азаттықтың алғашқы қарлығаштары – Желтоқсан қаһармандарының азаматтық ерлігі лайықты бағасын алып, жоспарлы түрде насихатталуы керек» from the article «Тәуелсіздік бәрінен қымбат» voiced in January 2021 and thanked the guests on behalf of the university students.

Professor of the Department of Social
Disciplines D.Salkynbek

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