5 december 2019 3294

Doctor Ekaterina Babiy delivered a course of lectures at Satbayev University

Doctor Ekaterina Babiy delivered a course of lectures at Satbayev University

From November 18 to December 14, Ekaterina Babiy, a leading specialist in the open-pit mining of mineral deposits of the Institute of geotechnical mechanics, is on a visit to Satbayev University. N. S. Polyakova NAS of Ukraine (IGTM NAS of Ukraine) (Dnipro, Ukraine).

Doctor of Technical Sciences Babiy Ekaterina Vasilyevna works as a senior researcher of the Department of "Geomechanical fundamentals of technologies of open field development" IGTM NAS of Ukraine. Under her leadership and direct participation, a number of research and design works are carried out aimed at the introduction of innovative equipment and new technologies in the extraction and processing of minerals in an open way; geophysical surveys in complex mining and geological conditions of development; substantiation of rational parameters of the construction of mining facilities in the design to ensure its sustainability.

These programs and grants are financed by Ukrainian business (represented by mining enterprises of Ukraine) and state programs of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. He has a number of publications in international rating journals, such as the Meaning of Mineral Deposits, Mining information, and analytical Bulletin. Actively participates in E3 WebConferences "Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering", "International conference Essays of Mining Science and Practice" and other international conferences. Babiy E. V. published 3 monographs, 89 articles, in particular, 8 articles cited by SCOPUS and WEB of Science.

Babiy E. V. works as a Professor of the Department of Geodesy Of the national technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" (Dnipro, Ukraine) and closely cooperates with the departments of mining.

Ekaterina Babiy delivered a course of lectures "Geomechanical fundamentals of ore pre-enrichment technology in deep iron ore quarries" for undergraduates and doctoral students of the specialty "Mining engineering" 1 year of study of the Institute of Geology, oil and mining engineering. In which Dr. Babiy E. shared with the experience of implementation of innovative equipment at mining enterprises of Ukraine, as well as the possibility of software modeling of complex structural mining ledges in the preparation of the massif for drilling and blasting with subsequent excavation and processing. This course is especially relevant and interesting for students of the mining profile.

On November 22, 2019, Dr. Babiy E. V. was a guest in the championship of the qualifying stage of the case "Vodopritoki" JSC " MHC "EuroChem" in the League "Mining". Open-pit mining" and participated in the discussion and discussion of the proposed technological solutions.

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