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7 april 2023 2806

“Equus” film creators met with Satbayev University’s students

“Equus” film creators met with Satbayev University’s students

On April 07, Polytech hosted one of the most unusual meetings within the framework of SU Talks project - viewing "Equus" documentary film (Lat. "Horse"), dedicated to the history of horses, and a lecture by its producer Nurbol Baymukhanov.

"Equus" is in its way a continuation of the internationally recognized film trilogy "The Great Human Odyssey", created in 2015 by the famous Canadian director and anthropologist Niobi Thompson. This is a popular science documentary film dedicated to the relationship between Man and Horse, thanks to which humanity was able to take a huge step forward and achieve what we have now.

One of its creators, Nurbol Baymukhanov, a researcher and producer, initiated this large international project with the support of Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professionals from the USA, Germany and France took part in creating the film. The shooting took more than 3 years, but in the end this enthusiastic team created a great movie!

Giving an interview at the very beginning of the project, Niobi Thompson spoke about the importance of the horse in the mankind’s history: "I think the day when a man saddled a horse was a great one. And Kazakhstan is the cradle of equestrian culture, because there is scientific evidence that the first domestication of horses took place on the territory of your country. And now there is a great opportunity to tell this unique story to the whole world."

This point of view is consistently expressed in the film, where the horse is shown as a human guide to the world of long distances and new cultures.

The students watched the film with pleasure and together with Nurbol Baymukhanov discussed the importance of the horse in culture, rediscovering the importance of Central Asia, Kazakhstan and our people’s  traditions for world history.

Создатель фильма «Equus» встретился со студентами Satbayev University

Тэги: SU Talks
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