23 november 2021 2453

Excursion to the holy places of Almaty

Excursion to the holy places of Almaty

Within the framework of the Elbasy program "Rukhani zhagyru" in order to promote sacred places that contribute to the spiritual modernization of our youth, Satbayev University continues a series of excursions to the holy places of the city of Almaty. This fall, students visited the House-Museum named after D. A. Kunaev.

On February 24, 1994y, the head of state issued a decree "on perpetuating the memory of D.A. Kunaev." The museum has a bust of Kunaev, personal objects, portraits, carpets, historical documents. The total number of exhibits is 2999. The memorial place "Kunaev's office" provides wide opportunities for the clear disclosure of Kunaev's true identity, that is, for his manifestation as a simple person. This place reveals Kunaev not only as a statesman, but also as a person who existed in real life. It is known that the originals are of particular interest in the Memorial Museum.

All students of the 1st year of higher educational institutions studying the modern history of Kazakhstan, being in Kunaev's office, are experiencing a real historical and temporary situation. Students were able to ask questions of interest to the museum employee and consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson. Shared their impressions. I think that students have awakened feelings of patriotism, love for their native land.

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