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14 november 2024 1559

Forum, dedicated to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, was completed at Satbayev University

Forum, dedicated to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, was completed at Satbayev University

Bringing together the representatives of business, science and the state with the purpose to train engineers ready for work in the conditions of robotics and artificial intelligence - this opportunity was given to the participants of the international "Challenges of the fourth industrial revolution in front of Eurasia’s scientific and engineering community" forum held at Satbayev University.

Forum’s plenary session brought together the leading experts from academic, scientific and business environment from 22 countries. Meeting was opened by President of National Academy of Sciences under President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akylbek Kurishbayev, who congratulated the university staff on the anniversary and noted the importance of Kanysh Satbayev for the university and Kazakh science:

- Kanysh Satbayev is not just a world-class scientist, - said the academician, - but also one of those who laid the foundation for the scientific school in Kazakhstan. It was under his leadership that the country’s first technical university was created, which from the very first days of its existence solves the science and industry’s most difficult tasks.

Forum’s plenary part was attended by President of RK National Academy of Engineering Bakytzhan Zhumagulov and CEO of Beijing company THT Group-Beijing Junwei Huang and other prominent representatives of the international engineering community.

Moderator of the meeting, Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev noted that the engineering personnel training system faces the task of not only teaching students, but also quickly adapting to the requirements of the time:

"We must apply an interdisciplinary approach to solving modern problems, learn how to compete at the global level, and artificial intelligence and automation will help us in this," Meiram Begentaev believes.

During the forum’s panel sessions, experts, heads of government agencies and multinational companies discussed: issues of technology transfer and commercialization of scientific research; how to establish interaction between the state, science and business for the sake of our common good and what measures are necessary to promote science in society.

Representatives of Ministry of science and higher education, National academy of engineering, as well as heads of leading global companies and corporations took an active part in the given event. Participants shared news on leading projects, the work in their organizations, discussed the challenges facing the scientific and engineering community in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and the prospects for integrating the new technologies and strengthening the cooperation between science, government and business for sustainable development.

Forum's panel sessions covered topics such as technology transfer and commercialization of scientific research, partnership for sustainable development and support for the career growth of young scientists. Program of the day also included an exhibition of scientific achievements "Made in Satbayev University", presentations of books dedicated to 125th jubilee of Academician Kanysh Satbayev, and presenting the awards to honored scientists and employees of Satbayev University.

Following the forum results, there was adopted the resolution, which noted the importance of transforming engineering education, integrating science and practice, introducing sustainable technologies and strengthening international cooperation. The participants representing 22 countries agreed on recommendations for evolving the engineering centers and technology parks, stimulating innovation and solving environmental challenges. The adopted action plan until 2040 includes annual conferences, startup support, international research networks and environmental standards. Forum has become a significant platform for the exchange of ideas and coordination of efforts that determine the future of scientific and engineering progress in Eurasia.

Forum, dedicated to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, was completed at Satbayev University

Forum, dedicated to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, was completed at Satbayev University

Forum, dedicated to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, was completed at Satbayev University

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