19 december 2019 5054

Freshmen of Satbayev University met with young scientists and entrepreneurs

Freshmen of Satbayev University met with young scientists and entrepreneurs

Freshmen of Satbayev University met with senior students, graduate students and employees of the Department of Science. The meeting was attended by the head of the Science Department's Science Division Aydos Joldasov, captain of the SU Racing Team, 1st-year student Ibrahim Alibek, 3rd-year student Alikhan Murtazaev.

The students discussed the prospects of participation in scientific activities and opening their own businesses. Aidos Joldasov, a graduate of our University, said that now Satbayev University pays much attention to the development of science and supports any initiatives of creative and non-standard thinking students. He urged freshmen to be actively engaged in science: "We are always ready to help you implement your ideas".

At the meeting, master's students told about their projects. So, Alikhan Murtazaev, studying on a specialty "Information systems", told about how the commercial project under the name SherlockHouse was developed. This is a mobile application designed to rent inexpensive housing.

Alibek Ibraim, captain of the SU Racing Team, consisting of 11 students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, shared his experience of participation in the Asian Shell Eco Marathon (Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur). He told how his team participated in this marathon twice with Prototype Taiburyl 3.0.1 car.

In May 2019, on the famous Sepang circuit, where the annual Grand Prix of Formula 1 is held, SU Racing Team received the Cup and a special prize Perseverance & Spirit of the Event Award in the amount of 3000 American dollars. Winning such a major international competition is a great success for both students and the University as a whole.

The organizer of the meeting was the Department of Kazakh and Russian languages with the support of the Local Trade Union Committee of employees and students of Satbayev University.

The purpose of the event, which was held as part of the research work of students in the Kazakh and Russian languages - to motivate students to engage in science, inspire them with real examples from the life of senior students. The organizers hope that this informative event will open new horizons for freshmen in their future scientific activity.

Freshmen of Satbayev University met with young scientists and entrepreneurs

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