12 april 2023 2923

Gala concert of "KazNRTU Spring - 2023" festival was held at Satbayev University

Gala concert of "KazNRTU Spring - 2023" festival was held at Satbayev University

The final gala concert of the 56th traditional festival of artists "KazNRTU Spring - 2023" was held at Polytech on April 12 on Science Day.

"Spring KazNRTU" is a famous holiday that began its history in one year with  creation of the popular vocal and instrumental ensemble "Dos-Mukassan". Since then, it has been one of the brightest University’s annual events, which forever remains in the memory of students as days of creativity and joy.

Within the framework of the festival, a competition of extravaganzas with large cash prizes was organized, which gave students and teachers the opportunity to show their creative potential with full dedication. The best performances created by Institute’s representatives were included in gala concert program.

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

This year, the main theme of the gala concert was history. University’s creative team decided to "give a thousand bows" to historical figures who made an invaluable contribution to the future, education and culture of Kazakhstan and made it as we know it. In 2023 we celebrate:

  • 930th anniversary of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi;
  • 800th anniversary of Sultan Beybars;
  • 360th anniversary of Tole bi;
  • 310th anniversary of Abylai Khan;
  • 330th anniversary of Bukhar Zhyrau;
  • 220th anniversary of Makhambet Utemisov;
  • 200th anniversary of Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly;
  • 165th anniversary of Shakarim Kudaiberdiyev;
  • 130th anniversary of Magzhan Zhumabayev;
  • 130th anniversary of Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov;
  • 180th anniversary of Akhan Sere.

The life of these people became an inspiration for the students, and the 56-year-old artistic tradition existing at University helped them discover new ways to express themselves and achieve a creative breakthrough.

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

Gala concert was held live, and at the end of the evening there was an award ceremony. Prizes were received by:

Prize place and cash prize



Grand Prix1 000 000 tenge

Sanzhar Sagynuly

Institute of Automation and Information Technology


500 000 tenge

Tilepbai Kuandykov

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O. Baikonurov


300 000 tenge

Meirman Berdali

Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T. Bassenov


200 000 tenge

Assyl Makizhanova

K. Turyssov Institute of Geology and Oil-Gas Engineering

"For the will to win" 100,000 tenge

Maksat Myrzakulov

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering

Audience Award" 100,000 tenge

Shyndauyl Nugumanov

Institute of Project Management

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

В Satbayev University прошел гала-концерта фестиваля «Весна КазНИТУ – 2023»

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