19 may 2023 4019

"GCIP - Kazakhstan" invites you to take part in the startup competition

"GCIP - Kazakhstan" invites you to take part in the startup competition

"International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects" ("GCIP - Kazakhstan") invites entrepreneurs, start-ups and scientists who own intellectual property in the field of environmentally friendly technologies to take part in the startup competition.

The main prize of the competition is the startups’ acceleration:

The selected startups that won the competition will take part in the GCIP-Kazakhstan startup acceleration program, will be trained by a group of entrepreneurs within 3-6 months and will have the opportunity to turn their ideas into a full-fledged product and take their business to the international level.

The center, created on the basis of the infrastructure and heritage of the Astana - EXPO 2017 exhibition, to promote green technologies and support businesses that are ready to improve the quality of life of people, reducing the negative impact on the environment. The Startup Competition 2023 is a unique initiative to help talented scientists turn their ideas into successful products and services that are in demand in the global market.

Who can take part in the competition:

Teams of at least 2 people with an innovative technology or early-stage project that can reduce environmental impact.

In what areas of green technologies will the selection be made:

  • renewable energy,
  • efficient use of water,
  • energy efficiency,
  • waste management,
  • advanced chemicals and materials,
  • transport,
  • green building.

Applications are accepted until May 25, 2023 on the GCIP website in the Kazakhstan section.

For all questions:

8 (7172) 799 925;
8 (7172) 799 926;
+7 701 120 97 68;
+7 701 274 88 00;
s.bishimbayeva@igtipc.org; zh.ugan@igtipc.org.

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