22 october 2022 2532

Honored scientists are passing on the opportunities to younger generations

Honored scientists are passing on the opportunities to younger generations

On October 21, Satbayev University hosted the ceremony of awarding Zheksenbek Adilov scholarship, which was rewarded to a student of the Department of "Construction and Building Materials" Department Umit Ruslankyzy.

Umit Ruslankyzy is a third-year student at T.K. Bassenov Institute of Architecture and Construction, an excellent student, an orphan who lives in the care of her grandfather, Kuanyshpai Adilbekov, along with other younger brothers and sisters. There are five children in the family. Despite difficult life circumstances, Umit has been actively working at the department throughout her studies, participated in Olympiads. Umit took the first place at Republican Subject Olympiad, third place at Republican Student Olympiad in "Engineering Mechanics" profile discipline.

Satbayev University is pleased to open new opportunities for Umit and bless it for a long and successful career.

The competition for Zheksenbek Adilov Scholarship was held due to T.K. Bassenov Institute of Architecture and Construction with the support of Tengri International Private Charitable Foundation for support and development of innovations. The scholarship was established in honor of Doctor of Sciences, Professor and Academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zheksenbek Makeyevich Adilov, Honored Scientist and teacher.

Zheksenbek Adilov graduated from Civil Engineering Faculty of then V.I. Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in 1972. In 2008, he returned to his native institute as Rector. During his work, he did a lot for Kazakhstan’s education system. He was a consultant to World Bank on "Creation of a national training center for civil servants" project at Civil Service Affairs Agency, Director of RK MES State Inspection and Informatization Department, Rector of Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim and, finally, Rector of Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satbayev.

Zheksenbek Adilov has focused on improving the training quality of civil servants, education modernization, introduction of IT technologies, improving the quality of education and integration into the global educational space.

Zheksenbek Adilov conducts extensive organizational and research work. His scientific results have been published in more than 200 scientific and educational works, 10 monographs, 17 textbooks and teaching aids. He has trained 14 doctors and candidates of sciences, over 30 undergraduates, regularly makes presentations at international conferences and seminars around the world. For his services in the field of scientific, pedagogical and organizational activities, Zh.M.Adilov was awarded 2 orders and 8 medals of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as orders and medals of Russia and France.

The purpose of the scholarship in his name is to encourage and provide social support to talented students from among orphaned children left without parental care, low-income families, excellent students who have the best results in research and actively participate in social activities. The sponsor is "Tengri" International Fund for Support and Development of Innovations.

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