17 july 2020 10170

How the autumn term will go on

How the autumn term will go on

Dear students!

Our country is experiencing a pandemic of coronavirus infection, the consequences of which will continue to affect the society even in the autumn period.

In this regard, Satbayev University made a decision to start the autumn semester in the distance format. This means that there will be no classroom lessons at the University, you will be able to meet with teachers and course mates and study via the electronic resources only.

We remind that all students have personal accounts on our platform Polytechonline.kz and Microsoft Office 365 cloud services.

On Microsoft Office 365 platform, you have the following services:

  • A personal Outlook mailbox with an email address in the format {the first letter of the name.sur name}@stud.satbayev.university, (for example: r.iskakov@stud.satbayev.university) where the teachers, department, administration and other students can always contact You, as well as this mailbox can be used to communicate with any other email recipient. The size of the mailbox is  50 GB.
  • Microsoft OneDrive with 1 terabyte of personal cloud storage;
  • Microsoft Teams.
  • Calendar, scheduler, OneNote and other apps
  • Online applications of Microsoft Office package - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and others.

All the available applications can be viewed by visiting the portal https://office.com and by logging in under the user account.

You can log in to these platforms using a username that matches your ID and password to log in to the training portal.

To log in to Microsoft cloud services, you must use the login format {ID}@stud.satbayev.university.      

Access to the University during the fall semester will be restricted with strict compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and tough requirements for students to visit the library, computer rooms and other resource centers.

Due to the distance learning mode, if you have Internet and computer resources, we encourage you to stay at home and study completely remotely. Accommodation in dormitories will be provided only for students from socially vulnerable categories, as well as remote rural areas that do not have access to the Internet.

For more detailed information related to organizing  the fall semester and electronic contacts with Your academic departments, please visit our website and our social networks, as well as  the Microsoft Teams platform has electronic contact addresses of your teachers.

The University wishes you and your family health and presence of mind during the  difficult time for the country!

The major dates of the academic calendar of 2020-2021 academic year :

  • Registration for the fall semester schedule - from July 27 to August 2, 2020
  • Fall semester schedule - August 15, 2020
  • Fall semester start - August 24, 2020
  • Add and drop week - August 24-31, 2020
  • End of the withdrawal period  - September 26, 2020
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