How to enroll at the Master's degree programme in Satbayev University

The Master's degree programme accepts persons who have completed a bachelor’s degree or have a higher specialized education in the relevant or related specialties. In order to enroll at the Master's degree programme, you must also pass an examination in English or provide TOEFL (threshold score - at least 560) or IELTS (threshold score - at least 6.0) certificates.
The duration of training in the Master's degree programme is 1.5 years for the professional programme and 2 years for the academic programme of study.
Dates of enrolling at the Master's degree programme in 2018:
The acceptance of applications to the Master's degree programme is held from 1 to 31 July, from 3 to 31 July, entrance examinations from 10 to 20 August, enrollment - until 28 August.
Before submitting documents for enrolling at the Master's degree programme you should:
1. Register online at;
2. Submit the following documents to the university:
For entrants of the Master’s degree programme:
1. an application addressed to the Rector;
2. a printed resume (it comes to e-mail after registration);
3. an original and a copy of the document on higher education;
4. an original and a copy of the test certificate for IELTS or TOEFL programs (if you have);
5. a personal sheet on personnel records and a copy of a document confirming labor activity, notarized or certified by the personnel department (for persons with seniority);
6. six photos 3x4 cm;
7. a medical certificate in form 086-U;
8. an original and a copy of ID;
9. a list of scientific and methodological works, copies of certificates, commendations and diplomas (if you have);
10. a receipt of payment for testing.
If you have received a secondary or higher education abroad, you need to go through the procedure of recognition (nostrification) of documents on education. To do this, you should collect all the documents on education and contact the PSC. The service is paid.
Documents for enrolling are submitted to the Admissions Office of relevant institutes of Satbayev University. All documents in files are filed into a folder, the title page must contain: the applicant's full name (fully), the code and name of the educational program of the Master's degree programme, home address, city code, phone, mobile phone, email address, year of enrolling.
Entrance exams for Master's degree programme:
Persons enrolling at the Master's degree programme pass entrance examinations in the specialty and in the English language. Foreign citizens enrolling at the Master's degree programme on a paid basis pass entrance examinations in the specialty and language of tuition (Kazakh, Russian).
Persons who have scored the highest points on the amount of entrance exams on a 100-point scale of at least 150 points, including in a foreign language - at least 50 points, are credited for education by state educational order. Persons who have certificates of passing the test in the English language will receive the highest score on a 100-point grading scale.
Applicants who have received an unsatisfactory grade or who have not appeared at the entrance exam are not allowed to pass the entrance exam and are not enrolled. The retaking of entrance exams is not allowed.
In the case of the same scores of competitive points, the right of first choice for enrollment is given to those who have the highest grade in the specialty, in the case of the same indicators of the entrance exam in the specialty, the person who has the highest mark in a foreign language gets the right to priority. Then the scientific achievements are taken into account, corresponding to the profile of the chosen specialty: scientific publications, including in rating scientific journals; certificates of scientific research; certificates for the award of scientific scholarships, grants; commendations / diplomas for participation in scientific conferences and competitions.