2 july 2020 16286

How to pass an English language test under quarantine

How to pass an English language test under quarantine

The English language exam is a difficult task even in the most favorable conditions. The high cost of the exam (currently the cost of the IELTS exam in Kazakhstan is more than 60 thousand tenge). People register in advance (in some cities of Kazakhstan, IELTS and TOEFL exams are held once every two or three months), and they have to wait for the results for a long time. Under quarantine, the situation has become harder as many test centers postpone the given exams or close indefinitely.

To help the applicants, Satbayev University opens a cooperation program with Duolingo English Test.

Duolingo English Test is an online English English language testing that lasts for 1 hour and costs US $49. The test result can be received within 48-120 hours after the exam. To pass the test, you only need a stable Internet connection and a computer with a microphone and camera. It is necessary to have an ID card with you.

Advantages of the Duolingo English Test:

  1. Online testing. You can take the test anywhere and at any time, you don't need to go to the Testing center or make an appointment for a specific date;
  2. To pass the test, you need 1 hour. The results will be ready within 2-5 days after taking the test;
  3. The cost is only $49, while other language proficiency tests with a certificate cost more than $200;
  4. An opportunity to pass a trial test (unlimited number of attempts);
  5. Duo-lingo is the most popular language-learning platform in the world;
  6. Exam results can be sent to Satbayev University Admissions committee by clicking one button.

To pass the Duolingo English Test

Testing stages:

  1. Quick preparation (5 min). An introductory part, during which you will be explained the rules and requirements for passing the test.
  2. Adaptive test (45 min). A standard part for assessing the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  3. Video interview (10 min). The part during which your answers to open questions will be recorded.

Are the results of Duo-lingo English Test official in Kazakhstan?

Yes. According to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 12, 2020, the list of language certificates for admission to Master's degree and Doctoral studies in Kazakhstan has been expanded. The list of certificates is supplemented with IELTS Indicator and Duo-lingo English Test certificates. IELTS Indicator certificate is valid for two years, and Duolingo English Test is valid for one year.

How many points do I need to gain admission?

In the Duolingo English Test, you need to score 95 points for admission to the Master's degree program and 85 points for admission to the Doctoral studies.

Admission to Satbayev University

   Master's degree program  Doctoral studies

 Acceptance of applications

 Entrance examinations (Complex testing)


June 15 – July 15

1 – 15 August 

till August 28

July 3 – August 3

4 – 20 August

till August 28

Summary table of passing grades in foreign languages

 IELTS (International English Language Tests System)

 IELTS Indicator

 TOEFL ITP (Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional  Testing Program)

 TOEFL IBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional
 Testing Program Internet-based Test)

 TOEFL PBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Paper-based

 Duolingo English Test

 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)















To pass the Duolingo English Test

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