Information for:

18 january 2019 8297

III International Innovation Forum «Digital Kazakhstan: sustainable development of urban systems in XXI century»

III International Innovation Forum «Digital Kazakhstan: sustainable development of urban systems in XXI century»

The main purpose of the Forum is creating a discussion platform for experts, state agency representatives and public organizations to discuss and develop recommendations for urban planning implementation and development principles of sustainable growth with the use of digital technologies.    

Expected outcomes are professional rapport between specialists, state authorities, and public organizations to solve the discussed problems, and adoption of Declaration as the results of Forum.    

Forum involves the representatives of Kazakhstan Culture and Sport Ministry, Committee for construction and communal services, administration representatives of Kazakhstani cities and regions, experts from Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea and some European countries as well.

Forum program includes a plenary session with key speakers’ presentations and section work in the following areas (April 10, 2019): 

  1. Sustainable development of urban systems – current trends;
  2. Smart city and digital technology;
  3. Cultural heritage as a sustainable development factor.

Round table to summarize and approve the Declaration is being planned for the second day of the measure.

Designers, scientists, teachers, doctoral and master students of universities, managers, media representatives and other interested individuals working in the architectural and construction field are welcome to participate in the forum. 

A collection of materials will be published based on Forum results.

Venue: Almaty, Satbayev street 22, corner of Masanchi street (KazNTRU named after K. I. Satbaev), Assembly hall, floor 2.

Key organizers: International Academy of Architecture, Institute of Architecture, Construction and Energy named after T. Bassenov and AUTODESK International Company.

Send the application and electronic version of your report by e-mail to Organization committee:, contacts: 8-727-257-71-91, intern. 71-91, 73-95. 

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