17 may 2024 1961

Inspiration for the future geologists: Satbayev University hosted Round table dedicated to Karatai Turyssov

Inspiration for the future geologists: Satbayev University hosted Round table dedicated to Karatai Turyssov

"Problems and prospects of the geological industry evolvement: Education-science-production" Round table was held at Satbayev University, dedicated to 90th anniversary of Karatai Turyssov, a famous geologist, economist, prominent statesman and public figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The event was held at the highest level - the invited guests included Majilis deputies, national companies’ top managers as well as political and public figures. The guests took part in Grand Opening of Lecture Hall named after K. Turyssov and laid flowers at his bust.

Round table was opened by Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev with the welcoming speech:

- Karatai Turyssov's whole life and fate is an example of high service to his people, his country. His activities have formed the basis of the achievements of our independent state, - Rector said.

Round table participants watched a documentary about Karatai Turyssov that showed in detail the career of this honored geologist, a well-known statesman and public figure. He is famous as one of the discoverers of the Koktaszhal deposit, and he was awarded “Honorary prospector of Kazakhstan’s subsoil” title. He worked as Secretary of Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, Secretary of All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, State Adviser, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kazakh SSR, held the positions of minister of various ministries, became a member of RK Parliament Majilis of the first and second convocations. He was awarded “Barys” II-degree order and other awards.

Parliament Senate deputies Akylbek Kurishbayev and Bakytzhan Zhumagulov, President of National Academy of Sciences Murat Zhurinov, academician Dossym Suleyev and other well-known scientific and public figures took the floor within the discussion. Round table guests shared their memories of this great man, as well as their vision of the future of such an important industry for Kazakhstan as geology, for the organization of which Karatai Turyssovich did so much.

Round table aroused a lot of interest among young scientists of Satbayev University, on behalf of whom the holder of the Karatai Turyssov scholarship, 3rd year doctoral student Madina Kurmangazhina held a speech:

- As a scholarship holder of the Karatai Turyssov scholarship, I am grateful to my fate that I am doing what I like, and it's all thanks to you - my senior colleagues, my mentors. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you, - Madina said.

At the end of the plenary session, the floor was given to Karatai Turyssov's wife, Askergul Zhanbaybekkyzy, who presented certificates for the Karatai Turyssov cash prize and scholarships to students, undergraduates and doctoral students and shared memories of her famous husband and gave parting words to the younger generation of geologists.

After the end of Round table, Scientific Center for Applied Hydrogeology was opened, which will be the next step to strengthen the mineral resource base and water security of Kazakhstan, based on the unifying role of the scientific community, scientific research and the experience of the leading countries of scientific and technological development.

Inspiration for the future geologists: Satbayev University hosted Round table dedicated to Karatai Turyssov

Inspiration for the future geologists: Satbayev University hosted Round table dedicated to Karatai Turyssov

Inspiration for the future geologists: Satbayev University hosted Round table dedicated to Karatai Turyssov

Inspiration for the future geologists: Satbayev University hosted Round table dedicated to Karatai Turyssov

Inspiration for the future geologists: Satbayev University hosted Round table dedicated to Karatai Turyssov

Inspiration for the future geologists: Satbayev University hosted Round table dedicated to Karatai Turyssov

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