28 may 2021 17043

Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies (IHBT) Satbayev University offers future-proof professions

Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies (IHBT) Satbayev University offers  future-proof professions

In 2016, The Independent published a research study commissioned by Microsoft. The scientists tried to predict what professions would be in demand in the next 10 years.

The main conclusion of the study is that more than 65% of today’s students will be employed in jobs that do not yet exist, and one of the most promising areas will be research in chemical engineering, biology and biotechnology. Ecology and petrochemicals, changes in the structure of human DNA, processing of plastic, creation of biofuels, smart materials and artificial cells - the Master’s degree obtained in the above-mentioned directions of training will help you to become a demanded, highly paid specialist.

Master’s Degree educational programs of the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies (IHBT) Satbayev University will help you to get a job in the enterprise of processing sphere, to solve environmental problems in all spheres of production. Obtaining a Master’s degree offers students broad prospects, including the possibility of working in management positions, both in Kazakhstan and abroad.

Modern biochemical engineering is a complex area at the forefront of innovative technologies. It is not surprising that specialists in this field are in demand and appreciated all over the world. There is a real revolution ahead of us in the world of biochemical and bioecological engineering!

Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies

Registration for educational programmes https://kb.satbayev.university/

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Master’s Degree educational programs

Computerization in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Training specialists in data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning in chemical and biochemical engineering.

 Group of educational programs (EP)

Complex Testing subjects (CT)


M082 Biotechnology


Basis of biotechnology

M087 Environmental technology


Ecological monitoring

M097 Chemical engineering and processes

Inorganic chemistry

General chemical engineering


Chemical Engineering of Hydrocarbons (Petrochemistry)

Dual diploma programme with Baku State University.

Training of specialists in petrochemicals and chemical technology of oil and gas processing, competent in advanced synthesis and production of essential organic substances, monomers and polymers, with the predominance of practical skills in acquired competencies.

Group of educational programs (EP)

Complex Testing subjects (CT)


М097 Chemical engineering and processes

Inorganic chemistry

General chemical technology


Bioecological Engineering

Training specialists in interdisciplinary fields such as ecology, chemistry and chemical engineering, biotechnology, modern techniques in engineering biotechnology and engineering ecology capable of translating knowledge into engineeringproject and production activities.

Group of educational programs (EP)

Complex Testing subjects (CT)


M082 Biotechnology


Basis of biotechnology

M087 Environmental technology


Ecological monitoring


Chemical processes and production of chemicals

The programme, which aims to train specialists in chemistry and chemical technologies in the main chemical industries, prepares creative, self-developing professionals who are competitive in the labour market.

Graduates of this programme receive an academic degree of Master of Engineering and Technology for 1.5 years and a Master of Engineering degree for 2 years.

Group of educational programs (EP)


Integrated Testing subjects (CT)


М097 Chemical processes and production of chemicals

Inorganic chemistry


General chemical technology



Тэги: Entrance
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