16 september 2022 2499

Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after K.Turyssov discusses the President's message

Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after K.Turyssov discusses the President's message

Advisors of departments "Chemical and Biochemical Engineering" and "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" spent advisory hours with 3rd year students.

Zhanar Narmuratova and Yerkozha Mamanov drew the students' attention to the positive changes that are aimed not only at changing the state structure, but also at specific changes in society and the economy, such as:

1. Stimulating entrepreneurship, moving away from state capitalism, and, of course, a fair distribution of national income.

2. Work in the field of natural resources development: investments in the development of subsurface resources, the creation of a unified database of geological information and a set of works to ensure the country's water security. To solve this problem, it is necessary to activate the work of the Water Council under the Government, attract experts and national universities and prepare a three-year project to change the situation.

3. Investments in human capital should become the priorities of educational institutions, which should provide students with dormitories, train specialists needed in the real labor market, and assistance to vulnerable segments of the population should become one of the priorities of state policy.

After that students discussed the Message and came to a conclusion that the President's proposals are aimed at improving the lives of all residents of our country and expressed hope that the reforms will form a new political culture of Kazakhstanis.

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