6 april 2023 3547

International competition of Kazakhstan Smart Space technologies has started at Satbayev University

International competition of Kazakhstan Smart Space technologies has started at Satbayev University

In the first days of April, Satbayev University was engulfed by a universal fascination with space – 2nd international competition of space technologies and equipment Kazakhstan Smart Space began at University. Students and schoolchildren from 59 educational institutions of Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan gathered to present their scientific projects and win a prize. Chairman of Board of NCSRT Marat Nurguzhin and President of Kazakhstan Institute of Project Management Oleg Parakhin held a speech at the opening.

В Satbayev University начался международный конкурс космических технологий Kazakhstan Smart Space

The creativity of young people and their promising ideas became the center of the whole event. Young engineers competed in 3 inventive and one competitive nomination in 3 age categories. The performance was judged by the distinguished jury chaired by Marat Nurguzhin. The most striking was the performance of robots leading sumo fights.

A large program was waiting for the competition guests. The students got acquainted with Satbayev University campus by visiting U. Sydykov Coworking, Minerals Gallery, Historical Museum, Museum of Technology Development of Kazakhstan and University library. The space quest and an international seminar dedicated to developing the school and student entrepreneurship in the comic industry and other high-tech industries attracted great attention of the competition’s guests.

В Satbayev University начался международный конкурс космических технологий Kazakhstan Smart Space

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the interest of younger generation in the space program. Satellite communications, navigation, meteorology, industry and even medicine - all these branches of human life could not exist in the form we know them today without the use of space technologies. Therefore, this year the contest is held together with First International Conference "Dynamic innovations and basic branches of the space industry. Problems, potential and future: Kazakhstan – 2023 – 2030".

The conference will begin on the second day of the event, it will be attended by representatives of "Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary" company, Department of Education of Almaty, Aerospace Committee of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and "Kazakhstan Space Travel" company. The conference program is focused on solving practical problems of Kazakhstan due to comic technologies. Experts will discuss a wide range of topics, including training for Kazakhstan’s comic industry.

Competition and conference are held in the format of special events of 6th Eurasian Summit of Digital Economy Leaders and are dedicated to 30th anniversary of creating National Aerospace Agency of Kazakhstan.

В Satbayev University начался международный конкурс космических технологий Kazakhstan Smart Space

В Satbayev University начался международный конкурс космических технологий Kazakhstan Smart Space

В Satbayev University начался международный конкурс космических технологий Kazakhstan Smart Space

В Satbayev University начался международный конкурс космических технологий Kazakhstan Smart Space

В Satbayev University начался международный конкурс космических технологий Kazakhstan Smart Space


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