5 may 2023 4021

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

Satbayev University continues the process of changing the higher education system, developing inclusive education on the basis of University. One of the stages of the given process was the day of May 5, completely dedicated to creation of an accessible environment at higher education institutions. Within its framework, the opening of the first Center for Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan, launching "TOM: Almaty" social Makaton and Round table dedicated to quality education for people with special needs took place.

Center for Inclusive Education was opened at Satbayev University on the initiative of Deputy of Parliament Majilis, Freelance Adviser to Minister of Science and Higher Education Tansaule Serikov with the support of University Rector Meiram Begentayev and Almaty Akimat.

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

The purpose of Center is to create conditions for full-fledged education of students with hearing and vision disabilities, as well as students with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other special needs. This is the first center of its kind in the republic, which has no analogues, which will help solve problems in the education of people with disabilities and achieve the global goal of Satbayev University to provide training of highly qualified specialists regardless of their social status.

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

— To get a quality lifestyle, — said Tansaule Serikov at the opening of Center, - a person must receive a quality education. To start making higher education accessible, we chose Satbayev University because it is a national university, one of the pioneers of digitalization. In addition, it is a technical university. If we can make the technical sciences accessible, it will be easier with the humanities.

Satbayev University’s plans include not only the work of the center and advising all interested parties, but also a joint project with Almaty Akimat on implementing the early intervention policy at schools as well as creating the online platform related to inclusive education for schools and higher educational institutions.

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

Satbayev University students did not stay away from what was happening. After the opening of Center, University launched "Tikkun Olam Makers: Almaty" social Makaton, launched by Satbayev University together with Association of Friends at Tel Aviv University, whose program is aimed at solving the problems of people with disabilities.

Tikkun Olam Makers is a global initiative that unites people with disabilities and inventors who solve the problems of mobility and information transfer. During the month, seven teams from Almaty and Almaty region will work on solving various problems of real people. On the first day of Makaton, the teams got acquainted with the disabled and discussed their needs. At the end of the day, the teams presented their ideas. In June, a 72-hour marathon will be held to bring the best ideas to life.

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

The day ended with Round table, the participants of which outlined the ways to further work on implementing RK Law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on inclusive education issues" within the walls of Satbayev University and throughout Kazakhstan.

In line with the participants, it is significant to conduct the given work constantly and consistently, to change the consciousness of the community, starting from an early age. Extensive use of all available elaborations, and most importantly - the general support of the initiatives put forward will help Kazakhstan to take a step forward and ensure truly equal access to education for Republic’s all residents.

It is easier to lift the load together: Satbayev University is implementing the program on creating an accessible environment

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