7 february 2020 6802

Kazakhstan's Ministry of health warns of a new type of coronavirus 2019-nCoV

Kazakhstan's Ministry of health warns of a new type of coronavirus 2019-nCoV

The outbreak of coronavirus 2019-nCoV, which appeared in December 2019 in Wuhan city in China, was recognized as an emergency of international significance. Because Kazakhstan directly borders with China and has active air, railway and automobile communication with it, the risk of infection importation to Kazakhstan is assessed as significant.

The danger of a new virus is associated not only with the number of cases (more than 24 thousand today), but also with the fact that it is easy to confuse it with a common cold. During the first days of the disease, there is weakness, a dry cough and a high temperature. As the disease develops, it becomes a form of severe viral pneumonia.

The genomes of the new coronavirus and SARS-CoV virus that causes atypical pneumonia are 80% similar. Since pneumonia is a deadly disease and can lead to heart failure or respiratory coma, as well as dangerous complications, coronavirus 2019-nCoV is recognized as a serious threat.

The infection is characterized by a long asymptomatic incubation period (2-3 weeks), when an unsuspecting person can be dangerous to others. At the same time, young and strong people are easier to cope with the consequences of infection. Children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems due to other diseases have the highest chances of getting seriously ill.


How to protect yourself from the virus

1. Wash your hands and make sure that the items you use are clean. Do not touch your face or nose with unwashed hands. Use disinfectants. Do not forget that a person unconsciously touches the face about 15 times an hour.

Airborne droplets and contacts transmit the virus. That is, if an infected person sneezes and the particles of his saliva along with the virus fall on the elevator buttons, and then someone else presses these buttons, and unknowingly touches his eyes or nose, then he can be infected through such a touch.

2. Give up handshakes and welcome kisses for a while.

3. You should also refuse food that you need to take from the common dishes (for example, nuts or chips in the bar). After all, many people take snacks without even washing their hands.

4. It is not recommended to go to China. If you do decide to go there, wear a medical mask, avoid markets and crowds of people, do not go to the zoo and the show with animals, eat only food cooked on fire, drink water from a bottle.

5. Tell the children about the rules of hygiene, for example, that it is forbidden to share their toothbrush with others. It is worth making sure that everyone in the family has their own towel.

6. If you experience symptoms of colds, you should consult a doctor, and those who have recently visited China or communicated with those who have returned from there, do not need to hide this fact.

7. Sick people should wear disposable masks so as not to infect others; you need to change the mask every four hours.

Read more in the Resolution of the Chief State sanitary doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 06.01.2020 No. 1-PGR "On strengthening of sanitary-anti-epidemic and sanitary-preventive measures to prevent the importation and spread of pneumonia of unknown etiology on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

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