28 february 2020 5932

«Kazatomprom» Company is holding their «Ізбасар (Izbasar)» program presentation on March 4

«Kazatomprom» Company is holding their «Ізбасар (Izbasar)» program presentation on March 4

We are inviting you to take part in the presentation of the program «Ізбасар (Izbasar)» during which the representatives of JSC «Kazatomprom» will be talking about the program and answering the participants’ questions. «Izbasar» development program for young professionals created by JSC "National atomic company "Kazatomprom" is aimed at accelerating the development of young specialists from among Bachelor and Master’s graduates of 2018, 2019 and 2020.

The program provides a monthly salary for a young specialist, travel and living expenses during the program period, remuneration for good achievements and employment in case of successful program completion.

The presentation will take place on 04.03.2020 at 10:00 in the conference hall (1st floor of Oil building).

The contact person: Ussen Meruert, 87054776803, m.ussen@satbayev.university.

The program includes:

  • Training on personal, business and professional competence development;
  • A three-position work for 5 months in the group of JSC “Kazatomprom” companies;
  • Working with individual mentors from a number of experienced managers and the best experts in the nuclear industry.

Basic requirements for candidates:

  • Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  •  Bachelor or Master's  graduate of 2018, 2019 and 2020;
  • Geographical mobility.

Priority educational programs of the Bachelor's degree:

  • Economy
  • Finance
  • Mathematical and computer modeling
  • Ecology
  • Chemical technology of inorganic substances
  • Chemical technology of organic substances
  • Information systems
  • Computer technology and software
  • Information security systems
  •  Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications
  • Automation and management
  • Instrument making
  • Materials science and technology of new materials
  • Applied physics
  • Heat power engineering
  • Electro energetics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Engineering
  • Technology for processing materials by pressure
  • Technological machines and equipment (within a particular field)
  • Mining
  • Minerals processing
  • Metallurgy
  • Geology and exploration of mineral deposits
  • Geodesy and cartography
  • Land management

Priority educational programs of the Master's degree:

  • Project management
  • Hydrogeology and engineering geology
  • Applied and engineering physics
  • Mathematical and computer modeling
  • Software engineering
  • Machine learning and data science
  • Management of information systems
  • Comprehensive information security
  • Automation and robotics
  • Materials science and technology of new materials
  • Oil and gas and ore geophysics
  •  Chemical processes and production of chemical materials
  • Digital engineering of machinery and equipment
  • Digitalization of machine-building production
  • Electrical and power engineering
  • Automation and digitalization of metallurgical processes
  • Mining engineering
  • Metallurgy and minerals processing
  • Geology and exploration of mineral deposits
  • Geospatial digital engineering
  • Engineering systems and network
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