22 november 2018 6177

Kazchrome thanks Satbayev University for specialists

Kazchrome thanks Satbayev University for specialists

“Kazchrom” has thanked Satbayev University for trained by the given higher educational institution specialists. The graduates have proven themselves as valuable personnel in JSC “TNC Kazchrome”.

It was marked in the note of thanks directed to Rector of Satbayev University  Iskander Beissembetov from “Kazchrome” company’s subsidiary “Donskoy MPP”.

"Donskoy MPP, the subsidiary of JSC “TNC Kazchrom” expresses You and the whole staff of Satbayev University for good professional training of mining engineers. The graduates of your higher educational establishment, currently young professionals employed for our company, have shown themselves as esteemed and in demand employees.

“We sincerely hope that in the future You will continue to be one of replenishment sources of young engineers with the training level that validates the high rating of your university. In return, we undertake to provide the graduates with all necessary conditions for their further professional growth and their formation as specialists,” the letter says.

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