3 october 2017 10441

KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year

KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year

This Sunday, October 1, 2017, the KazNRTU first year students spend a day on the picturesque Issyk Lake. I was the first student team building in the new academic year.

About 400 freshmen on eight buses gathered at the teambuilding. Many of them came to such a fantastic place as the amazing Issyk Lake first time in life.

Aprogram of team building included sports games, tug-of-war, relay races, arm-wrestling and weights, asyks, music, picnic and Dance Battle. The students divided into groups according to specialties, volunteers accompanied each of group and helped and entertained them during the trip. Active recreation in nature was supplemented by a real uzbek plov from the stake.

KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year

The place that was chosen teambuilding is symbolic. The name "Issyk" is a distorted Kazakh word Esik, which means "door". The local people called the lake Jasyl-Kul, which translates as "azure lake". Indeed, the lake surprises with its changeable color: its water changes color depending on the weather.

KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year

This cool but sunny day was a day when Issyk Lake opened a door in student's years and new acquaintances and fascinating world of student's commonwealths for KazNRTU students. Freshmen, advisers and representatives of student organizations were able to communicate informally, exchange opinions and strengthen contacts, which, as experience shows, remain with people from student's lifetime.

Thanks for this day to the team of the Institute of Basic Education, the Department of Physical Education and second-year students who provided excellent leisure.

KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year

KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year KazNRTU first-year students opened the door to the new academic year

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