11 november 2022 2640

KazStandart awards Satbayev University’s students and teachers

KazStandart awards Satbayev University’s students and teachers

Within the framework of International scientific and practical Conference "Trends in development of quality in modern conditions", representatives of KazStandart awarded the students and teachers.

Senior lecturer Raushan Shingissova and Associate Professor Galymbek Baymakhanov were awarded for their contribution to the growth of human resources in standardization and metrology sphere.

The creativity of students who submitted videos to "I am a student of KazStandard Academy" contest was noted as well. The video of the first year’s creative team of “Standardization, certification and metrology" program was recognized as the best video.

Gulnur Saken and Ainur Sharatbekova received prizes in "The most active student of KazStandard Academy" nomination. In addition, senior lecturer Darizhan Bekenova received "The most creative teacher of KazStandard Academy" award based on students’ survey results.

КазСтандарт награждает студентов и преподавателей Satbayev University

КазСтандарт награждает студентов и преподавателей Satbayev University

КазСтандарт награждает студентов и преподавателей Satbayev University

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