26 march 2019 6965

Meeting freshmen with graduate doctoral students of our university

Meeting freshmen with graduate doctoral students of our university

In 14th of April, the department of Kazakh and Russian languages organized a meeting between freshmen and alumni of our university who are PhD students majoring in hydrogeology and engineering geology at Satpayev Univeristy.  The main purpose of the meeting was celebration the Youth Year and 85th anniversary of our alma mater. Nurgul Tankieva, responsible for student research work in Kazakh and Russian languages department, invited alumni 2014-16 who, currently, contribute to the growth and flourishing our country for the meeting with freshmen students. 

Miras Sanatbekov, assistant of geology oil and gas department, member of scientific projects and research practices, and a former representative of scientific work at Genk University, explained freshmen about teaching activities. 

His group mate Tanirbergen Shayikhmet, head of technical production service of Akbakaiskyi office’s joint-stock company named “Altynalmas”, told about production activities. He mentioned that by being a deputy assistant of head of geology department at gold deposit fields, he led an introduction of two vast projects “Bar code system of geological probes” and “Geosearch” which were for the first time utilized for underground exploration of deposits in Kazakhstan. As a part of teleconference, he presented a “Digital mine” project to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in 2018.

Medeshova Nazgul works as an engineer at the Institute of Geological Sciences. She participated in various international UNESCO conferences and had internship experiences at country’s major companies such as “Torgay Petroleum” and “KazMinerals”. She was also one of the speakers of the meeting and shared her scientific experience with students.

Aidos Zhuldasov alumni of our university also took an opportunity to tell about his experience during the meeting. He explained students about different competitions and opportunities for young scientists and encouraged them to be more mobile and actively participate in scientific activities.

In conclusion, the head of Kazakh and Russian languages’ department Almas Uderbayev thanked guests for interesting presentations and wished students to show their best in Youth Year. 

Hopefully, this meeting gave you a tremendous desire to study, participate in scientific researches, become as today’s young but experienced speakers. PhD students seeing the amount of listener’s respect and admiration underwent some great feelings of combination of huge responsibility for their country and inspiration to keep working hard. It might be good to mention Pasternak’s words: “Others on a living track will pass your way behind”.



Тэги: Youth Year
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