20 january 2023 3966

Minister of Science and Higher Education visited Satbayev University as part of a working trip

Minister of Science and Higher Education visited Satbayev University as part of a working trip

On January 20, Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayassat Nurbek visited Satbayev University as part of a working trip, where he met with geologists who presented him with the restored Geological Museum.

Министр науки и высшего образования  в рамках рабочей поездки посетил Satbayev University

Gallery of Mineralogy and Geological Museum is a unique project of Satbayev University, which has existed throughout the history of University and opens for school pupils and students an amazing beauty and invaluable wealth of the world of minerals. The museum was reconstructed with the support of Kazakhmys Barlau and Qazaq Geophysics.

Министр науки и высшего образования  в рамках рабочей поездки посетил Satbayev University

The museum’s rich exhibition demonstrates reference exhibits of stone materials characterizing the geological structure and typical deposits of Kazakhstan and the whole world. The museum helps students to touch practical geology from the very first study day.

Министр науки и высшего образования  в рамках рабочей поездки посетил Satbayev University

After visiting the museum, Minister got acquainted with Registrar's Office’s work. He visited Public reception, where he was presented with SU Solutions mobile application developed by students and undergraduates of Satbayev University. He got acquainted with the project to create a research and production center for repairing and maintaining the electric vehicles aa well as electric discharge stations.

Министр науки и высшего образования  в рамках рабочей поездки посетил Satbayev University

At the end, Minister held a meeting with Satbayev University students in UniHUB youth coworking, where the issues related to educational process and research projects were touched upon. During the conversation, the construction project of Dos-Mukassan alley along Masanchi street, initiated by students of Satbayev University together with Almaty Akimat and investors of UniHUB coworking, was mentioned.

Министр науки и высшего образования  в рамках рабочей поездки посетил Satbayev University

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