12 september 2023 4412

Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov met with Satbayev University's scientists-hydrogeologists

Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov met with Satbayev University's scientists-hydrogeologists

Minister of RK Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov visited Satbayev University as part of a working trip to Almaty, where he held a meeting with University’s leadership as well as with veteran water specialists and representatives of international organizations, during the event he discussed current problems of water supply in Kazakhstan. Satbayev University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev noted that in Satbayev University’s development program, the research in the field of water safety and training of personnel for the hydrogeological industry is identified as a separate direction.

– The decision of the state’s head to form National Hydrogeological Service in the structure of the new Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation is crucial for Kazakhstani hydrogeology, as it will provide the necessary resources to search for sources of water supply based on groundwater, – said Meiram Begentayev.

Министр водных ресурсов и ирригации Нуржан Нуржигитов встретился с учеными-гидрогеологами Satbayev University

Bolat Bekniyaz, Director of Executive Directorate at International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in RK, held a speech at the meeting. He believes that it is necessary to establish cooperation between universities of China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia to set stable ties and ensure mutual understanding between countries in the issues of joint use of transboundary rivers.

International expert, ex-Chairman of Committee for Water Resources at RK Agriculture Ministry Tulegen Sarsembekov, spoke related to implementing Kazakhstan's initiative to create Water and Energy Consortium of Central Asian countries.

Director of "Kazgiprovodkhoz" company, ex-chairman of Water Resources Committee at RK Agriculture Ministry Anatoly Ryabtsev, proposed to continue studying the issue of Inter-basin transfer of river flow as an option to increase the available water resources of Kazakhstan.

At the end of the meeting, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, Professor of Satbayev University, head of “Geotherm” company Dulat Kalitov noted that re-establishment of Water Resources and Irrigation Ministry will provide an integrated approach to solving the accumulated problems of the water industry, strengthen the control over the careful use of water in agriculture and industry, will contribute to reinforcing the water security in Kazakhstan.

Министр водных ресурсов и ирригации Нуржан Нуржигитов встретился с учеными-гидрогеологами Satbayev University

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