4 may 2018 5829

“NAC Kazatomprom” JSC and Satbayev University signed a memorandum of cooperation

Ректор КазНИТУ Бейсембетов

An official ceremony of signing a memorandum of cooperation between “NAC Kazatomprom” JSC and Satbayev University was held in Almaty within the framework of the activities of the “International Scientific and Educational Center of the Atomic Industry” (ISECAI).

Nowadays, 30 Master's Degree Students study at the Center, they are trained in the specialties of “Geological Survey, Search and Exploration of Mineral Deposits”, “Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances”, “Automation and Management”. In addition to the training of undergraduates, the unique base of knowledge of the uranium industry was organized at ISECAI: the research and development work is being carried out, the scientific, educational and methodological manuals, multimedia training materials are being created for “NAC Kazatomprom” JSC.

“The University has done a lot of work to improve the quality of teaching. We have digitized a large amount of scientific materials, implemented and developed on-the-job distance studying for Kazatomprom employees. Also 10 of our teachers were sent for an internship in the uranium mining enterprise – “Karatau” LLP. In addition, Master's Degree Students have practical training directly at the production facilities of Kazatomprom every semester throughout the whole period of education” said Iskander Beysembetov, the Rector of Satbayev University.

As Marat Nietbaev, Chief Production Officer of “NAC Kazatomprom” JSC, noted at the opening of the official ceremony: “The International Science and Education Center was created primarily to train our own specialists in the field of the uranium industry.”

 “The value of qualified personnel for the implementatio of any project is the main component of success. However, the lack of personnel in our area is a top priority problem that needs to be solved. We received 150 applications for enrolling, selected of them 30 of the most talented people who, after completing the course, will continue our business. I am sure that after the training the Master’s Degree students will make their invaluable contribution to the development of the nuclear industry in Kazakhstan” summed up Marat Nietbayev.

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