17 may 2018 11202

National scientific journals are indexed in the Clarivate Analytics database

National scientific journals are indexed in the Clarivate Analytics database

On May 15, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a solemn awarding ceremony of Certificates indexing in the database of the International Company Clarivate Analytics 4 academic journals: "Bulletin of NAS RK", " news of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technology", "proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of RK. Series of Physics and Mathematics", "proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of RK. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences". Director of Clarivate Analytics for Russia and CIS Oleg Utkin took part in the ceremony.

The first academic publication of the Central Asian republics, indexed by the authoritative international database of scientific publications, was the journal "Izvestiya NAS RK. Series of Geology and technical Sciences", indexed by the international database Scopus in 2016. This year it has been included in the Clarivate Analytics database.

Eight scientific journals ("Reports of NAS RK", "Bulletin of NAS RK", " news of NAS RK. Series biological and medical", "proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of RK. Series physics and mathematics", "proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of RK. Series of Geology and technical Sciences", " Izvestiya NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technology", "proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of RK. Series of Social Sciences and Humanities", "proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of RK. Series of agricultural Sciences"), produced by NAS RK since 1946, entered the international register of highly rated scientific journals in the 60s and 70s of the last century and are the face of science in Kazakhstan. They have been sent to the major national libraries of 73 foreign countries since 1960.

The indexing of these journals by Clarivate Analytics will provide Kazakhstan scientists, teachers and students with access to numerous materials, regional research information and useful links; to obtain a complete picture of current trends in world research. Raising the level of scientific journals of Kazakhstan to meet international standards of periodicals will contribute to the development of Kazakhstan's science as a whole.

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