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3 november 2023 1911

“No to corruption”: Satbayev University has discussed the last year events

“No to corruption”: Satbayev University has discussed the last year events

On November 2, a seminar on "Formation of an anti-corruption culture" topic was held at Satbayev University, dedicated to the anti-corruption measures of the expiring year. The seminar was opened by University’s Rector Meiram Begentayev, who touched upon a number of current issues and outlined the upcoming events.

The seminar was attended by Head of Agency Department at Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating the Corruption in Almaty Arman Rakhimov and Board’s  head Salimbayev K.A.

Compliance controller of Satbayev University, Abdigali Zhumanov, made a report on University's work in the field of anti-corruption culture formation and law enforcement. He stressed that University has been actively working in the given direction for the last 2.5 years.

“No to corruption”: Satbayev University has discussed the last year events


The first step was the opening of a compliance service at the university, which revised University’s rules and recommendations in accordance with the new laws.  University’s Anti-Corruption Policy was elaborated and approved, on the basis of which Guide on combating the Corruption was developed.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, "Fundamentals of anti-corruption activity" topic was included in "Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, leadership and anti-corruption culture" subject, and since the new academic year "Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture" has become as an independent elective subject, which contributes to increasing the anti-corruption culture and increasing the social activity among students.

Since 2021, University has been working in close cooperation with Anti-Corruption Department of Almaty. Satbayev University’s efforts were highly appreciated and awarded a certificate of honor on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day 2022.

“No to corruption”: Satbayev University has discussed the last year events

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