10 april 2017 9659

Philosophers wish everyone - "Be happy!"

Philosophers wish everyone - "Be happy!"

A flash mob on "Philosophy of Happiness" was in KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev on April 7, 2017. The organizers of the flash mob are the Philosophy Department of the Department of Public Disciplines and the student group Enactus KazNRTU. Students of the KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev actively participated in the event.

During the event, students participated in a quiz on philosophy, shared their own philosophical quotes, exchanged books, received recipes of happiness from the great philosophers, and also left their own wishes for happiness. The students thanked the teachers of Philosophy for the World of Philosophy, which gave freedom of thought, shaped the culture of the spiritual world, and an invaluable treasure of knowledge for the Person.

Teachers of Philosophy express their gratitude to the management of KazNRTU - Rinat Iskakov, Evgeniy Rachenkov, Darkhan Kuralhanov, Laura Anarbek, Aliya Akatayeva


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Source: Chair "Public disciplines"
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