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25 september 2017 11104

Polytech - yesterday, today and tomorrow through the eyes of students at the Institute of Architecture

Polytech - yesterday, today and tomorrow through the eyes of students at the Institute of Architecture

The permanent exhibition of architectural and design projects "Polytech - yesterday, today, tomorrow" was opened in KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev on August 21st, 2017.

You can see the Polytechnic of the future through the eyes of students and teachers of the Institute of Architecture named after T.K. Basenov in the transition between the Oil and the Main buildings during the whole year.

The exhibition presents projects of the development of the architectural and spatial environment of the University, which had being created by students of the four and five courses of the Institute of Architecture for several years.

They developed many projects that touch the reconstruction of the entire university. The architects had to reflect the values ​​and goals of the KazNRTU and create an image of the University of the Future. Convenience, safety, beauty, inspiration - all those things was placed in the basis of projects and exhibitions. The result was curious, not similar to each other projects.

"I am very pleased that we opened an exhibition on the walls of our university in which teachers and students took part. We are glad that some of the presented ideas have already found their embodiment in the buildings of the university, "said Vice Rector of KazNRTU Rinat Iskakov, who opened the exhibition.

One of the best projects was the diploma "Reconstruction of the Main building of KazNRTU with the extension of the library and the new academic building" by Aitbayev D. This piece of work took part in the Republican competition of the best architectural projects and the competition of diploma projects in Novosibirsk.

Director of the Institute of Architecture Bolat Kuspangaliev noted, "It’s nice that the projects of our graduates always favorably differ. We can rightly be proud of their successes today".

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