16 november 2017 8641

Professor of Satbayev University received the award "Leader of Science - 2017"

Professor of Satbayev University received the award "Leader of Science - 2017"

On November 8, 2017, the "National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise" jointly with Clarivate Analytics held the ceremony of he "Leader of Science - 2017" award. Based on the results of the analysis of publication activity in the period 2014-2016, Professor of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O. Baikonurov Timur Dauletbakov was awarded in the nomination "Author of a highly-quoted Kazakhstan publication, prepared without the participation of foreign co-authors" in the field of technical sciences.

Clarivate Analytics, a former intellectual property and research division of Thomson Reuters, owns the leading citation database in the world of the Web of Science Core Collection.

This database contains records of more than 12,000 journals with a high impact factor, as well as more than 140,000 conference materials and scientific monographs. The total volume of records is over 64 million. Data contains records of publications for more than 115 years. Content is updating weekly.

In a welcome speech, the head of the Clarivate Analytics in Russia and CIS O. Utkin noted the fast development of Kazakhstan science, which free access to Clarivate Analitics resources heldped.

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