5 may 2022 3252

Project Management Institute’s students help the special children

Project Management Institute’s students help the special children

Project Management Institute’s students took the initiative and organized a charity event for children with special needs. Having received the prize of "Spring KazNRTU" contest, the students decided to spend the money on gifts for the pupils of Center for Adaptation and support the graduates of social institutions "Zhastar uyi".

By returning the hope for a full and happy life to special children with our participation, we are contributing to our common future. I am glad that our young people share our confidence in the importance of this initiative and actively participate in it. By doing this worthy work, we find ourselves.

The students amicably held a game meeting with Center’s graduates and organized a flash mob at the end of the event.

Cтуденты Института управления проектами помогают особенным детям

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