Reception of applications for the main UNT has started, which will last until May 14

Since the beginning of May, Kazakhstan has started accepting the applications for Unified National Test (UNT), which will last until May 14. Tests themselves will be held from May 16 to July 5. Based on the decision of RK Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2023, entrants can pass UNT 2 times and participate in the grant competition with the best result.
To register for UNT, fill out an application at National Testing Center website . Registration will take place in several stages: Stage I will take place from April 28 to May 6; Stage II – from May 7 to May 14.
Entrants determine the date, time and place of testing on their own. At the same time, they can choose only one combination of specialized subjects for both attempts.
This year, the testing format has not changed. The number of subjects will remain the same – three mandatory and two to choose from, for a total of 120 test tasks. Of these, 20 tasks will be on the history of Kazakhstan, 15 on reading literacy and 15 on mathematical literacy. 35 tasks will be allocated to two specialized subjects.
The total testing time is 4 hours (240 minutes). There will also be an additional 40 minutes for children with special educational needs.
One of the main innovations: since January 2023, entrants, who are entering the groups of "Information Technology", "Information Security" degree programs, pass UNT in "Mathematics-Computer Science" combination. Previously, they passed "Mathematics-Physics" combination.
UNT is an important stage for school graduates who are preparing for admission to universities. The test results are one of the main criteria for admission to higher education institutions for a state educational grant. Therefore, Ministry of Science and Higher Education provided free access to online trial testing and published a list of references and a test plan for which tasks were compiled. This will help you get prepared.
Register for the exam as early as possible and get prepared for it thoroughly. Good luck to you in the exam!