18 march 2020 7962

Rector’s appeal on the mode of work and date of the session

Rector’s appeal on the mode of work and date of the session
Ректор Satbayev University Искандер Бейсембетов

Dear students and staff!

As it is known, two modes of study are being introduced at the university: distance-full-time and distance-independent that involves completely distance learning from home. The choice of one of the mentioned study modes is provided to the student depending on his/her permanent residence and preferences. At the same time, in connection with the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from March 16 and quarantine in Nur-Sultan and Almaty cities from March 19, Satbayev University is establishing new measures to prevent coronavirus infection spread.

1. When conducting seminars and workshops with distance-full time learning, teachers and students must strictly observe the rules of hygiene - wear masks, wash their hands and treat them with an antiseptic, exclude handshakes. In addition, they must keep the distance more than 1 meter from each other. During the breaks, all classrooms are to be aired and sanitized.

2. Teachers are encouraged to switch to working with IT resources based on Polytech Online and Microsoft Teams to the maximum extent possible.

3. For those taking training in a remote-independent mode, passing the spring session is postponed for the period from August 3 to August 22, 2020.

4. For both modes, the use of paper media is completely excluded - all current and electronic tasks will be accepted only electronically using the Polytech Online service.

5. Access to the university for people, who are not students and employees of Satbayev University, is prohibited. For employees who have not switched to the remote mode, reduced working hours are set from 10:00 to 16:00.

6. Employees of the Department of Infrastructure Management and Computer room of the library work as usual (from 8:30 to 17:30 on weekdays and from 9:30 to 16:30 on Saturday).

7. All correspondence of the university, except for accounting documents requiring a live signature, is transferred into electronic format.

8. Remember that the security of everyone depends on our behavior. We must follow the preventive measures recommended by the Ministry of  Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the given measures should be kept outside the university as well:

  • frequently and thoroughly wash hands and face with soap;
  • use alcohol hand antiseptics;
  • avoid crowded places;
  •  ventilate the room frequently;
  • in case of symptoms of a cold (runny nose, fever, cough, sore throat) immediately call an ambulance at home;
  • if you have any questions, contact the 24-hour  call center at 1406.

Let me wish you good health, successful study and work!

Rector of Satbayev University
Iskander Beyssembetov

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