12 april 2020 5223

Rector's Congratulations on Science Day

Rector's Congratulations on Science Day

Rector of Satbayev University Iskander Beyssembetov

Dear colleagues, researchers, master and doctoral students!

Let me congratulate you on our common professional holiday – The Day of Scientists!

For Satbayev University, this day is a special one associated not just with the life work of each of us but also with the academician Kanysh Satbayev, the first President of the Academy of Sciences, who stood at the origin of scientific thought in Kazakhstan  and devoted a lot of energy to our university’s formation and development.

Therefore, it is my distinct pleasure to congratulate you on this holiday.

The science of Kazakhstan has enormous potential, including  your work. Thanks for your contribution to the technological progress of our Republic, cause without that, success is impossible in the economy, in healthcare or in the international arena.

I wish you fruitful work, scientific discoveries, new interesting articles in the leading journals of the world. Happy holiday!

Rector of Satbayev University
Iskander Beyssembetov

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