2 july 2021 5938

Rector's congratulations on the Day of the Capital

Rector's congratulations on the Day of the Capital
Мейрам Мухаметрахимович Бегентаев

Dear students and teachers! Dear colleagues!

Every year, on July 6, we celebrate the holiday of our people’s pride – the Day of the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan city.

It is a city that in a short time has become a modern metropolis with unique architecture, a conductor of innovations and cultural events, an oasis among the endless Kazakh steppes.

Every country has cities that have become a measure of achievements and leadership, they have left an indelible mark in history. Our young capital has become the similar symbol for sovereign Kazakhstan.

I sincerely congratulate you on this important holiday.

Let me thank you for the support that you give to our university and our country on account of your work and creativity.

I wish the attainment of new heights, prosperity, success and happiness to our entire team and each of you!

With respect,
Rector of Satbayev University
Meiram Begentayev


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