Rector's grant for master's degree!

The competition of KazNRTU Rector grant for master's degree consist of two stages.
I stage - "Off-campus": each participant of the competition should register his video presentation on the website (link below);
II stage - "Final": The university will determine 3 finalists-winners whose works meet all the requirements of the competition.
Time limits and procedure for the competition:
From June 1 - July 28, 2017, the participants must register on the website
I. "Off-campus "
Video presentation must be performed on one of the proposed topics:
- "The end of analog world: industry 4.0, or What will the fourth industrial revolution bring?";
- "How do you see Industry 4.0?";
- "The role of your specialty in Industrial Revolution 4.0";
- "The KazNRTU role in Industrial Revolution 4.0".
Video presentation should contain:
· Creativity;
· Personal achievements;
· Comments of scientific advisers, public figures, famous people about the participant and University;
· Creative approach to creating the image of the University and chosen specialty.
- video presentation duration 60 - 150 seconds;
- video presentation should contain photos and logo of KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev;
- Video presentation should score most number of views, likes and reposts in social networks (
II. The final
The final will be held at Main Education Building of KazNRTU after. K.I. Satpayev.
During the final stage, the jury will select 3 best video presentations (the number of views, likes and reposts in social networks will be taken into account).
Register here: Showreel
Contact us +7 (727) 292 5861,