24 may 2017 12486

Rector's grant for master's degree!

Rector's grant for master's degree!

The competition of KazNRTU Rector grant for master's degree consist of two stages.

I stage - "Off-campus": each participant of the competition should register his video presentation on the website www.kaznitu.kz (link below);

II stage - "Final": The university will determine 3 finalists-winners whose works meet all the requirements of the competition.

Time limits and procedure for the competition:

From June 1 - July 28, 2017, the participants must register on the website www.kaznitu.kz.

I. "Off-campus "

Video presentation must be performed on one of the proposed topics:

- "The end of analog world: industry 4.0, or What will the fourth industrial revolution bring?";

- "How do you see Industry 4.0?";

- "The role of your specialty in Industrial Revolution 4.0";

- "The KazNRTU role in Industrial Revolution 4.0".

Video presentation should contain:

· Creativity;

· Personal achievements;

· Comments of scientific advisers, public figures, famous people about the participant and University;

· Creative approach to creating the image of the University and chosen specialty.


- video presentation duration 60 - 150 seconds;

- video presentation should contain photos and logo of KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev;

- Video presentation should score most number of views, likes and reposts in social networks (youtube.com).

II. The final

The final will be held at Main Education Building of KazNRTU after. K.I. Satpayev.

During the final stage, the jury will select 3 best video presentations (the number of views, likes and reposts in social networks will be taken into account).

Register here: Showreel

Contact us +7 (727) 292 5861,


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